Wednesday 19 March 2008

TWENTY -A night out at the local hot spot - dark and mysterious

Yesterday I composed a blog about our visit to the Alpha Club in Palolem beach. Unfortunately the whole entry was wiped and had not been savesd at all, so here goes, with a fresh version.
We heard from G and C that there is a music club on Sunday nights, where you can go along and listen to the free jazz/ G also performs there singing with his guitar.
So, thinking it might be a nice venue, i put on my strappy dress, necklace and red sandals, being smart for the first time since my arrival in Goa. We took the rickshaw with the local wide boy, Nagesh. Although he rips us off, he does it with genial good nature. He was not sure of the way and we thought he had got it wrong when we ended up bumping along a narrow, sandy lane between shacks, in almost complete darkness.Just lights from the little dwellings.
There had been several power cuts earlier in the day, and the sky was full of large clouds, but everybody said, it never rains in march. Never.
The Alpha club was near Perry's, which was apparently the place to eat. perry's turned out to be a little shack, empty. A middle aged man appeared wearing shorts and singlet, i think he had been having a nap. We agreed to come back at 8 for fish, Sharfish, he called it.
And so to the Alpha club, where everybody sat in the sandy clearing under the palms, with a net overhead, maybe to collect the nuts. Three young musicians were giving it a go with their electric guitars, a kind of tuneless rock. There was a rudimentary bar and a few stalls selling jewellery etc. A very basic loo. Underfoot, of course, just more sand.
At 8 we walked round to Perry's, when the blackness fell over all, completely. no power. Luckily we had a torch. In addition, it started to rain. The sand turned to sandy mud. There were no candels at Perry's but he finally found a couple of stumps, and we had our Sharfish and rice, in the hot darkness. it was very good, maybe it was shark. A rather extraordinary experience and so funny- nobody else there and the sound of the rain on the corrugated iron roof. One tiny glimmer of flame for a light.
After the meal, back to the Alpha club, to find everybody cowering in the shelter of the small bar, since there was no other cover from the rain, The musicians of course had to turn off the guitars since there was no power.
We all went home early.
now i have a local mobile phone, i can easily ring for a rikshaw. Back to Rajbag.

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